Wednesday, February 24, 2010

On the Green

Here's some good news on the environmental front for the health of our families and homes: A recent survey shows 90% of us have incorporated some sort of "greenness" into our lives, and we are willing to pay more for green products. The survey by Burst Media conducted in late 2009 shows "aspirational green consumers" are most willing to pay more for food and household products considered green, such as produce (66.6%), juices and other bottled drinks (61.1%), household cleaners (59.2%), laundry detergents (58.7%), and packaged food (58.2%). While only 8.8% of those surveyed consider themselves to be 100% green, that's still a pretty good percentage considering just a few years ago some naysayers considered "going green" a fad. Reprinted with permission from The Hestia Report,

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